My Hair is very long but most of the time it becomes nappy sometimes. I need advice how to keep my hair nice and healthy and stylish.
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
make sure you have plenty of conditioner. I wouldn't recommend washing it everyday because shampoos tend to dry and and strip natural oils out of your hair that are meant to protect and nourish. Unfortuneatly if i dont wash my hair almost daily it tends to get a little greasy... i end up washing it 4 times a week due to this but if you have no problem doing so i would recommend washing it every other day... also make sure you take some Vitamin E.. it promotes health and strength to your hair. If you use a lot of heat to your hair be sure to get heat styling products.
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
use treseme
it works for me and the conditioner helps SOO much!
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
Its unhealthy to blowdry or straighten your hair more than three times a week. Just try to keep heat away from it as much as possible. Don't rinse out your conditioner immediately. Let it stay in for about 2 min.
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
wash and condition it every day, dont put too much product in it. That will make it knotty and greasy. Buy a good shampoo and conditioner like pantene, and if that doesnt help ask your hairdresser about different styles you could do to make managing your hair easier. Good luck! I hope I helped!閳?br>How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
Try loreal vive pro nutrigloss shampoos and conditioners. I just made the switch and my hair is absolutely SILKY! They're in a pink bottle at any supermarket or drugstore and they're not expensive! Try it!
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
Possibly if its so long its getting hard to manage, maybe you should get a hair cut :)!
If your hair is too long, maybe you arent getting enough vitamins to your hair since its so long, trust me, it happened to me before! I ended up getting a haircut (i layered it) and it is still in great condition since its not as long anymore! :)
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
Leave a deep conditioner in as long as you can once a week. I love Redken All Soft Heavy Cream or Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment.
PSA Pantene makes your hair smooth because it contains wax. It's not good for your hair.
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
any shampoo or conditioner with aloe vera is realy good for your hair also once aweek put almond oil in your hair leave it in over night i swear by that.x.
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
orgainc products can help like olive oil hair loation or carrot oil nad flat rap your hair or set it at nights
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
it takes a lot of work depending on hair type, length, etc etc
but most important is to shampoo+condition but not too much or too little
dont use TOO many products
don't use a lot of heat
sometimes natural remedies help keep hair shiny %26amp; healthy also.
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
use john freida or sunsilk- sunsilk has shampoos for all diferent types of hair
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
couple of techniques...
once every few weeks- keep ur hair wrapped up in a towel w/conditioner after you shower for about 10 min- then rinse it..
after each time you wash your hair, try using bio-silk or a leave in conditioner
use salon brand shampoo and conditioner- it really does make a difference (start off buying smaller bottles to discover which brand you like best..then buy large sizes to save $..and buying them in a salon is usually cheaper then at a cvs)
dont wash your hair everyday...the more you wash, the more u strip it of natural oils. try washing once or twice a week
hope this helps :)
How Can I Keep My Hair so nice and healthy?
you should probably cut it shorter
shorter hair looks nice
wash your hair everyday and trim your hair every 6 weeks or every 2/3 months
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