Thursday, October 8, 2009

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

So, Don Imus, on his nationally syndicated talk show this past weekend, while speaking of the mostly black Rutgers female basketball team "Those are some nappy-headed hos there." Read all about it here:

So, my question is, is this REALLY a racist statement?? Blacks across America call each other "*****r" all the time - and its not considered a racist remark. So, keeping in mind Don Imus' picture (found next to the above article) - isnt Dom Imus a "nappy-headed ho" himself??? So, not racist!!!!

Seriously, I dont know who has worse hair - Imus or Trump.

What say you??

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

I support Don Imus. He is falling victim to a hit being put on him by the shakedown mafia.

My god, have any of his critics ever actually listened to the show? I do every morning, and I can't think of one group he HASN'T attacked.

People need to take a relaxer and chill out.

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

It was rude but certainly not racist. If they say that being called nappy headed is racist then they are just admitting they are nappy headed. Doesn't make sense to me. I agree, maybe kind of rude but not racist. Whatever happened to free speech? Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Um, there was more said than nappy headed hos. Do you know what a "*******" is? Here this may help: http://www.thefreedictionary.c...

Someone commented on "jigaboos vs. wannabes" in reference to the B-Ball matchup. Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Also this man admitted to hiring people to do quote"N****r jokes" such as one on the Williams Sisters (Venus %26amp; Serena) being 'animals' more suited to pose for Nat'l Geographic rather than Playboy. Link:

Time to stop playing dumb. The man's a racist. Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

ALL comics use race as a platform. Why do a few comments get singled out %26amp; BAM, Sharpton %26amp; Jesse are crying racist? Why is it o.k. that many rap lyrics are sexist? Why is it o.k. for Jesse Jackson to call Jews kikes and NY "Hymey Town"? HE is a racist. Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

What Imus said was considered RACIST because he is a White man. If a black man or woman would have said this remark.The media and possibly Mr. Sharpton would have not made such a big @$$ deal with the Don. The only difference between the Imus remarks and the Hip-Hop is that Imus does not rap. Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

If a black radio personality made this comment, would we still be enduring all of this media bull****??????? Does middle America really give a rat's a**??? The media spoonfeeds this stuff to boost ratings, period! Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

N****R is a word given to black people by the white people and it was used by them as a derogatory word used to insult and offend black people. I believe black people has to stop using this word because other races believe that they have the right to use it because we use it among ourselves. Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

The comment was very sexist but was by no means racist. The phrase "nappy haired" is not only applied to people of African descent and those who say it is are simply blinded by their own preconceived notions!!!! Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Institutional racism has always been a part of America, adversely affecting us all. Unlike Imus, no major sponsor or network has ever offered JJ, Al, black rappers or anyone else of color a main stream game or talk show. Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Imus got fired because the sponsors pulled their ads.

CBS had to let him go.

this isn't about racism, it's about money Report It

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

It was a rude comment. Racist, I dunno....

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

I totally agree wit ya there are people on both sides that can be racist. blacks on the other hand can find it to be paralyzing when someone of another race say's something they don't want to hear. all the other races are cool with a little banter back and forth. it's not all black people who feel this way. there are alot of blacks who will attack back with there own remarks. i'm black and i'm tired of this race crap!!!

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

These politically correct witch hunters are really getting out of control! Is there NO freedom of speech in this country any more??? He did not even say ****er or coon , etc!!! ( Which he should have a right to say if rap artists can dis whites and call us cracker, white boy, etc. ) Can anyone answer why should only certain people have true free speech?

My reaction to Sharpton ,Jackson and others who call for the persecuted whites to not have fee speech is --Screw You enemies of logic and freedom, you winy little cry babies! cry and get your way or you will get out the R word, Racist-- OOOHH NOOOO!!!

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Duh. You DO have freedom of speech, but you can't say whatever the heck you want on your job. It's your employers who bear your words if you say or do something stupid. If you go out and get drunk and have sex with 10 hookers they can fire you. It is their right especially if it is for their reputation and honor.

Al Sharpton and Jackson aside, these girls were not connected to them in anyway. So leave them Sharpton and Jackson) out of it. It's not about those two. The wide majority of black people don't even take them seriously anyway. Everyone knows they are oppurtunists.These girls are in the championships and they've done something GOOD. No one deserves to be belittled for doing something good and positive, especially if they're just kids.

I think the most offensive part was calling them ho's. I mean he's a grown man who obviously doesnt use that word alot. So why say it then? I think it's disrepectful towards women. It's like if someone said on radio or tv, "look at those rubgy players, those sweaty sl uts."

Assuming that just because they are women that they are sexually promiscuous is just in bad taste.

Rumor has it Imus has been in bad taste with alot of stupid remarks.

Come on. It's college sports and they are young women and it's uncalled for by grown men

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

It was sexist. If someone calls your mom a HO. You'd be ready to fight. What is so bad is that no one is putting the emphasis of sexist instead of racist. Not even the feminist.

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

he said they look tough and have tatoos, than someone said those are some rough hos and he added those are some nappy headed hos. i believe that rutgers has white women on the team as well. of course we will assume he meant only the black al sharpton wants him ousted from his job.......hey scumbag, why dont you get a job first than talk about other people being fired! all of these shock jocks live for the moment to be put on the front page of every newspaper. i cant believe people are not used to this by now!

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Rude-yeah. Racist-no.

Exactly what in it had anything at all to do with race? The nappy headed part? Anyone can have nappy hair. HO? Black women dont have the copyright on that one either.

Is every girl on that team black? (im not certain).

Regardless, people like Jesse Jackson (i refuse to call him Reverend-he is not one) have no room at all to talk. His comments regarding Jewish people-calling them Kykes and Hymies, he has no room to talk at all.

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Not racist!-I use the word nappy to describe my bad hair days and hos may be rude. However, I hear and see worse in rap songs and videos. They are hypocrites if you ask me (and you did). I think Jackson and Sharpton are the real racists. Whenever a white person insults a black person - its racist. Sometimes there is more to it than that. I guess if there wasn't anymore racism, they would be out of a job.

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Don Imus did say something wrong. However, why is it that black rappers don't have to apologize to Al Sharpton, or any other black people for singing vile and nasty songs about their own people?

Have you ever really heard the lyrics for popular rap songs? You dont have to listen to them, just do a search online for rap lyrics and you'll see.

One day I was channel surfing on the XM radio stations, and I came across a rap station. I was disgusted by the lyrics. They talk about suck my d#$k, ***, ho, etc etc. etc etc. Then last summer my black neighbors who thank God have moved out, would continually blast nasty rap songs at all hours of the day and night "I was getting some hed, Im in love with a stripper" were the lyrics I heard coming out of their window all while they have 3 preschool aged children.

Al Sharpton should have a meeting with every one of these popluar rappers on TV and ask them to apologize to black people, especially black women if he also wants Don Imus to apologize.

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Certainly it was a stupid, insulting comment. I don't think it's a racist comment, however.

It wasn't a comment referring to the player's race but rather their collective hairstyles. Being "nappy-headed" is not the exclusive domain of blacks (although there are plenty who could be regarded as that); there are others who are not black who could be regarded as such as well.

The "ho" comment, I don't really know why that was said, unless Imus just spit it out off the cuff. I do know that comments were also made of several of the women being heavily tattooed and appearing "rough-looking" but how that would make them "hos" I don't know.

That being said, Sharpton, Jackson, et al are looking for another opportunity to further their agenda by demanding Imus' firing and putting another "whitey", "honky", or whatever in his/her place, all in the name of political correctness.

Imus will continue his career in radio, whether he's fired for this or not.

Don Imus "nappy-headed hos" comment REALLY racist??

Yes it is. Simply put: he wasn't referring to the white girls on the team. It all started in Slavery. It was your parents' parents' doing. White people will never know the hurt of remarks concerning their skin. Black is negative and white is positive. Of all the Slave's since the beginning of time, the Slave of America were treated the worse. White will always hate Blacks and Black will always have self hatered. It's a sad cycle. White should have not being so mean and lazy doing the time of Slavery. Whites should have worked themselves instead of stealing people making them do all the work. Let's not go into the raping of the women. Silly people, how do you think there are so many different shades of Black people?

1 comment:

  1. When the controversial comic,Paul Mooney talks about white people and jews...calling them sluts and hos, he gets HIS shows cancelled...and the whites in his audiences walk out. There are no white people to take up for him.
