Thursday, October 8, 2009

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

Okay my blow drier and my flat iron is broke too. After I wash my hair is curls up (it does NOT get nappy so dont say that) anyways how can i get it straight without heat?

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

Well my hair is medium to long so i NEVER want to damage it with heat..what i do is i wash it then while its wet i part it on the side half way and wrap it around my head going clock wise then i put something on it to hold it that way and leave it for almost the whole day or untill it drys then i take it down and its pretty staight but it differs with every person thats just something i do but my hair is kinda different i dont know something you could try..

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

you could try a shampoo that says it makes hair straight other then that i dont think there is another way sorry

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

Not gonna happen kiddo... If you have an iron (like for clothes) you can iron your hair on one of the lower settings. I have done that in place of my straightener before.

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

buy a hair relaxer. just dont get burned.

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

try a beyond the zone product. when you get out of the show run a little through your hair and comb it through. it works better with a blow dryer but because you dont have one, a comb and air dry is a good idea!!

good luck!!

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

Ohh good idea...borrow some heat from somebody !!! LOL

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

This might sound crazy

but it worked when my

blowdryer decided it didn't

want to work anymore.

It's the Summer, so I'm sure

you've got a fan somewhere

in the house.

-Spritz your hair

with a bit of hairspray.

-Sit in front of the fan

and just keep brushing

your hair until it dries.

Because you're brushing downwards,

your hair will straighten out. And the

hairspray will prevent flyaways.

Hope this helps!!

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

okay, sounds stupid, but if you grab a brush and stand in front of a table fan, it blows out almost the same as with a blow dryer, and most of the time, you'll get shinier hair too!

i used to do this when it was too hot to blow dry my hair. (it gets really hot in Texas in the summer! )

Good luck!!

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

while your hair is damp put some coconut oil on it, put it in individual braids, once completely dried use a comb and a brush to straighten for me and my hair is natural

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

when every you wash your hair wrap it and put a scarf on it and let it air dry it wont be bone straight but it wont be super curly either. but make sure when you wrap it you put some kinda oil on it cuz it will get puffy

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

Personally, I don't think anything is going to work to straighten your hair. I mean you have no blow dryer or flat iron. Then you don't even want a perm. OH, buy a wig that will help!!!

Straight hair without heat???????????QUICK PLZ!!!!!!?

I advise you buy another straightener... it'll cost about 30$

I've gone through many straighteners... including two or three professional ones. Right now I have the Remington Wet2Straight straightener (but of course I don't straighten my hair when it's wet... no matter what kind of straightener you use it damages your hair a lot!). It cost me 26.88 at walmart and is honestly the best straightener I have ever used. It takes me about twenty minutes to straighten my hair (it is very thick) and with other straighteners it took me up to 45 minutes to an hour! I really recommend you get this straightener!!

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